The Encounter of those in charge of the Augustinian Recollect Youth and Youth Ministry of the Augustinian Recollect communities of Spain and England was held in a privileged environment, “Casiciaco”, the retreat house of the Augustinian College of Madrid, located in Lozoyuela, in the mountains of Madrid. This event, which took place from February 21 to 23, was an opportunity to renew the commitment to the youth mission and strengthen the bonds between communities.

A clear objective: redefining the mission of the RABs
The fundamental purpose of this meeting is to rediscover and reflect together on the essential questions that guide the work of the RAYs: the “What for?”, the “How?” and the “What do we do for what?”. Beyond theory, the focus is on the experience and the change of attitude of pastoral agents, promoting an openness of mind and heart, as well as an active disposition to assume this mission with renewed enthusiasm.
It is not a matter of offering academic explanations, but of generating a space for dialogue and discernment to promote a new way of sharing the mission of the RAY in Europe. The reflection revolves around the evolution of leadership within this youth ministry, the deepening of the charism received and the awareness that these gifts are a manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
Christ at the center: a call to authenticity
From the beginning of the meeting, the opening prayer set the tone of the experience, inviting the participants to place Christ at the center of their lives and pastoral work. The importance of leaving aside everything that prevents us from recognizing the richness that the RAY represents was emphasized, understanding that this project is not only a youth initiative, but a way of living the faith in community with a deep and transforming sense.
Diversity and commitment on the same path
This meeting was attended by representatives from various localities, such as England, Granada, Seville, Madrid, Guadalajara, Getafe, Zaragoza and Valladolid, which reflects the diversity and commitment of the Augustinian Recollect communities to this work. The plurality of experiences and contexts brings an invaluable richness to the dialogue, allowing for a broader vision of the challenges and opportunities facing youth ministry today.
A message of hope and renewal
One of the most significant fruits of this meeting was the elaboration of a message addressed to the whole Augustinian Recollect family: “WE WANT TO LIVE OUR PURPOSE WITH HOPE”. In this message, the participants expressed their desire to revitalize the identity of the RAY and to reaffirm their role within the community, emphasizing the importance of accompaniment and the RAY itinerary.
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